How to Avoid Careless Mistakes Part 1
This week we have a special video by Jun Hao - one of our academic advisors.
As we entering the crucial exam preparation period - he talks about one of the most common challenges facing students - Avoiding Careless Mistakes!
This is something every student has faced and something you must fix if you want to score better grades.
Losing marks on “free questions” that you already know the answer to is the number one detriment to poor grades.
The answer to reducing careless mistakes is surprisingly NOT working harder and doing more revision.
Find out about the root cause of it in this short video!
Note: Jun Hao helps primarily with law school admissions & humanities related areas.
As a law graduate from UCL - one of the top law schools in the UK, he is very experienced & seasoned when it comes to exam related topics.
He’s currently finishing a Masters Program at Cambridge University.